Rich error handling in BizTalk 2006

In my last post, I wrote the key points of recoverable interchange and it states,

“Any interchange failed and suspended for its content error should not be resumed from BizTalk administration console”

As soon as message failed, your MOM gives you an alert or creates you an automatic Service Center tickets. But what shall I do with the suspended message failed for its content error?

You can save the suspended message, email it to the support team, investigate the content and trigger it back to the BizTalk receive location. – Very traditional rite?

BizTalk 2006 opens a new way to track the error from business perspective that is failed message routing.

Enable “Generate error report for failed Message” option in your receive location, from now your message will not be suspended and routed to message box. How?
Your failed message will be transformed to Common Error Message type, which can be subscribed by an orchestration or send port.

Let us take a scenario and discuss how failed message routing works step by step.
