Terrorism and SWAT maps

Foresty Map of SWAT, Pakistan.

Terrorism from SWAT needs to be addressed by tribal commanders. They cannot remain oblivious that they are phatans and they have every right to house terrorists like Al-qaida men.

Pakistan State Oil and Pizza Hut‘s joint venture.

Pakistan State Oil and Pizza Hut‘s joint venture.

Pakistan State Oil and Pizza Hut‘s joint venture.

Pizza Hut and Pakistan state Oil (PSO) jointly decided to
open Pizza Hut branch on every PSO petrol pump all over the Pakistan. The first shop is opened at the PSO branch of
Lahore Cantt.

MD of PSO Mr. Muhammad Jalees has said it is the proof of
quality service of PSO that Pizza Hut decided to make a Joint venture with

ERP Software MIE Trak 10.2 Released With Over 100 New Features

MIE Trak 10.2 has just been released which covers over 150 new enhancements and changes to the 10.1 released product. Features include quick purchase order creation from requirements, automatic work order creation from MRP reporting, improved nesting data collection to improve job costing and many of the screens are now resizable to fit larger monitors to improve productivity. Quick order entry has been added to the sales order module to enable quick entry of sales orders. A new exploded bill of material which includes labor summary is a great new tool to see a large assembly and its materials and labor requirements. Many new reports including a work in process and profitability report which explodes assembly work orders into individual components for an accurate view of the costing. Lean manufacturing is ideal with MIE Trak which allows manufacturing cells to be handled, tracked and costs accumulated very efficiently.

MIE Solutions provides an integrated environment to all its products including document management with MIE Docs and integration into MIE Exchange B2B buyer / supplier portal for ease of data entry. Customers can now enter purchase orders online through MIE Exchange and those purchase orders a securely transmitted directly into the MIE Trak production control and tracking system to eliminate data entry errors.

ERP Ahead


ERP may have grown up with a chip on its shoulder thanks to a number of controversial failures, but the market has come a...

Jassim Sajwani, director of IT and Administration, Aswaaq

Jassim Sajwani, director of IT and Administration, Aswaaq

Aswaaq, the UAE’s largest chain of supermarkets, has implemented Microsoft Dymanics Navision ERP software to boost internal efficiency.

The platform is a scalable solution that helps small and mid-market retailers automate business processes to deliver better customer service, while simultaneously lowering inventory costs and increasing revenues

Secure Coding Standards

If you are the CTO of an ECM, BPM, ESB, CRM, ERP or ABC software vendor, then please check out CERT Secure Coding Standards web site. You may notice industry analysts asking lots of questions in upcoming briefings in this regard and if you have the wrong answer, you may no longer appear in the Gartner leaders quadrant and/or the Forrester wave...

Enterprise Resourse Planning

ERP Image

Sakeesoft mainly deals with the financial sectors in the ERP systems. ERP systems attempt to integrate several data sources and processes of an organization into a unified system. A key ingredient of most ERP systems is the use of a unified database to store data for the various system modules. The two key components of an ERP system are a common database and a modular software design. A common database is the system that allows every department of a company to store and retrieve information in real-time. Using a common database allows information to be more reliable, accessible, and easily shared.

Kingdee K/3 Overview

Gain new market insights and adapt quickly to market changes. Sense and respond to customer requirements in real time. Be local as you go global. Take your organization to next level of growth. That's the power of Kingdee K/3.

With a footprint in both Overseas and Mainland China, you need to implement ERP to unify business operations in Asia Pacific, and globally. The ability to work as a total entity and manage dollars, materials, people and information, are now critical. But China has such complex legal and statutory requirements that transplanting 'western' systems cannot suffice.

Rich error handling in BizTalk 2006

In my last post, I wrote the key points of recoverable interchange and it states,

“Any interchange failed and suspended for its content error should not be resumed from BizTalk administration console”

As soon as message failed, your MOM gives you an alert or creates you an automatic Service Center tickets. But what shall I do with the suspended message failed for its content error?

You can save the suspended message, email it to the support team, investigate the content and trigger it back to the BizTalk receive location. – Very traditional rite?

BizTalk 2006 opens a new way to track the error from business perspective that is failed message routing.

Enable “Generate error report for failed Message” option in your receive location, from now your message will not be suspended and routed to message box. How?
Your failed message will be transformed to Common Error Message type, which can be subscribed by an orchestration or send port.

Let us take a scenario and discuss how failed message routing works step by step.


Post-Implementation Results

Many industry leaders, including Panorama Consulting Group, have published thoughts regarding the evasive nature of ERP benefits. Our 2008 ERP Report underscores this hypothesis. As Figure F outlines, only one out of five companies (21%) realize at least half of the business benefits they expected from their ERP systems. In addition, over half (57%) realized major operational disruptions after go-live, including the inability to ship products to customers in some cases. One a positive note, two out of three (70%) of the participants in the study were able to realize some type of staff optimization as a result of their investment in ERP.

Clearly, despite the large investment most companies make in ERP software, benefits are by no means guaranteed. In addition, the risk of ERP implementation causing a disruption to the organization’s core operations is a significant risk. These factors are clearly areas that will affect the ROI of the ERP investment and should be carefully managed as part of an overall ERP benefits realization plan.

Bringing the ERP Community together

ERP CommunityThe ERP Community has been set up by Griff & Jones to create a community of SME manufacturing companies across the UK and Europe.

The aim of the Community is to share best practice ideas with like-minded users and implementers of ERP systems, to generate a forum to share and exchange current ideas, issues, and resolutions, hold regular events showcasing highlighted businesses and guest speakers, and to deliver networking opportunities to review new products and complementary services.

There actually are a few circumstances where this is useful. If you wanted to demonstrate your robot concept to non-technical people that can potentially give you lots of money, then you'd want to *animate* your robot. 3D graphics are also very helpful as CAD tools, something I like to use when designing complicated parts and assemblies. Doing it all on paper is a pain .

EZ Runner

ERP Package for small manufacturing industries.

To enable efficient utilisation of internal resources, increase productivity, improve customer service and better management and operational control, customer-centric organisations depend on an integrated business-wide application to manage these relationships efficiently and economically to improve the bottom line.

ERP Visual

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

An information system or process integrating all manufacturing and related applications for an entire enterprise. ERP systems permit organizations to manage resources across the enterprise and completely integrate manufacturing systems. Bestica ERP services can help you gain maximum value from your enterprise application systems, whether you are implementing the ERP solution or upgrading existing systems to improved Web-enabled systems, or optimizing existing systems to improve value. Bestica consultants bring together business and functional expertise to the enterprise transformation process. They understand specific industry issues and then apply their technical expertise to achieve the client's business goals.

eMPro ERP Solution

MIND’s inhouse ERP-eMPro has evolved after putting efforts of over 4,000 Man Months and understanding the need and pain of a process industry.Since most of the process industries have a “Functional Structure”, each function works towards their own goals and objectives, rather than organizational goals and objectives. This situation is further aggravated as information flow is restricted by functions, and even when the other functions need to take a holistic view, they do not have information to do so.

eMPro acts a common, consistent system to capture organization wide data with minimum redundancy. eMPro integrates information across functions and provides a set of tools for planning and monitoring the various functions and processes thus ensuring progress towards a common cause. Some of the benefits these include:

  • Establishment of uniform processes that are based on best business practices.
  • Compliance with various Quality Systems like ISO, QS & TS and regulatory requirements.
  • Greater accessibility to data, allowing management up-to-the-minute access to information needed to make key decisions
  • Aligns with corporate vision and business strategies.
  • Capable in improving value chain, provides information for efficient capital management and optimizing customer / product mixes.
  • Proactive information to ensure 100% on time deliveries.
  • Keeps close eye on Quality – provides various trend analysis & Pareto analysis
  • Provides complete lot traceability and FIFO control

 Central Database

Reduce the Time, Cost, and Bandwidth Needed to Deliver the SAP GUI for mySAP ERP across the Enterprise

Companies wishing to obtain the benefits of the latest mySAP™ enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution face several challenges. Upgrading desktop hardware, operating systems, and networks to support the right SAP GUI user interface means added costs.
Manually installing the SAP GUI or using automated software distribution solutions can delay time-to-value for the new application. And delivering a powerful application like SAP can affect network performance, depending on the specific SAP user interface, SAP business transactions and SAP ERP modules. Fortunately, delivering SAP can become a success story with the right application delivery infrastructure.

ACS Systech ERP Offerings

ACS Systech provides fast and flexible implementation of SAP ERP enabling enterprises to attain a higher level of integration, and improve information flow throughout the organization. ACS Systech offers Planning Services which include assistance in SAP Value Engineering, Technology Architecture, System Landscape Planning, Business Case Development and also System Upgrade Assessments. During implementation, ACS Systech consultants will help in System Integration, Implementation and Upgrades as per the client's requirements. Post implementation, ACS Systech also offers Support Services which include Applications Management, Business Process Management, Change Management and Training.

Terminal Operating Processor Plus (TOP+)

1. TOP+ Background Introduction

TOP+ is an ERP system based on terminal operations and management, used by Dalian Container Terminal Phase 3 (DICT).

The system capitalizes on the uniqueness of DICT to enhance terminal-handling capacity by redesigning the operating process of the existing system.

Welcome to ERPTaxpert, Ltd. We are a full service technology consulting organization. We specialize in the delivery of interfaced sales & use tax solutions for Enterprise Resource Planning customers operating in complex, multi-state environments.

We design and implement interfaces from ERP host systems (SAP, Oracle, JDE, PeopleSoft, and home grown systems) to the various third-party sales and use tax determination products (Sabrix, Taxware, and Vertex).

If you have an ERP system, you probably have sales & use tax compliance issues, right? We are THE experts in identifying and correcting those issues to increase compliance and save money in system operation and ongoing maintenance costs.

We have many years of experience as the primary implementer for interfacing third party Sales & Use Tax software to your ERP host system.
For more information...