Integrated CAD/CAM/ERP Solution

An overall CAD/CAM solution: Industry-specific integration
TopSolid is a powerful CAD/CAM solution for modelling, simulation and production (geometry, assemblies, structural calculation, dynamics, etc.) Such functions provide a powerful means to meet industry-specific requirements for the drafting, design and manufacture of products. TopSolid offers at the outset an integrated CAD/CAM solution. Based on these central TopSolid modules specific solutions have been developed to meet the particular requirement of the following industries:

  • CAD/CAM Solution: TopSolid'Design, TopSolid'Draft, TopSolid'Motion, TopSolid'Castor, TopSolid'Mold, TopSolid'Progress,TopSolid'Electrode, TopSolid'Cam, TopSolid'Wire, TopSolid'Fold, TopSolid'Punchcut , TopSolid'Wood
  • PDM Solution: TopSolid'Pdm
  • ERP Solution: TopSolid'Erp

CAD/CAM Solution